Expertise Days in Lucerne

Bows and Instruments


September 09 - 10, 2024
Monday and Tuesday

April 29-30, 2024
Monday and Tuesday


Morgartenstrasse 6
6003 Lucerne


5 experts

Eric Blot for italian Instruments

September 09 - 10, 2024

Monday and Tuesday

Maison Vatelot-Rampal for Italian, French, and general European instruments, and Cabinet d’Archetiers Experts Jean-Francois Raffin for French bows.

April 29-30, 2024

Monday and Tuesday


Expertise Days in Lucerne

Since 2001, our Atelier has held the Expertise Days for bows every year, usually in Springtime. Since 2019 we also offer expertises for stringed instruments and newly since 2023 specialy for italian Instruments.

For italian instruments

For the first time we welcome this year Eric Blot and his Team to our Expertise Days. His group specializes in Italian stringed instruments from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries.

For french bows

As usual, we can look forward to the visit of the expert group Cabinet d’Archetiers Experts with Sylvain Bigot and Yannick Le-Canu for the bows. They primarily certify French bows.

For french, italian and general european instruments

Once again we welcome Jean-Jacques Rampal and Jonathan Marolle from Vatelot-Rampal Paris for the string instruments. They specialized in all stringed instruments of the French, Italian and European schools in general, from antiquity to the present day.

Utmost seriousness and discretion are guaranteed. The certificates enjoy the best reputation and international recognition. The gentlemen are experts from the Court of Appeals in Paris

Please refer to detailed information in our FAQs section.

who we are

The hosts

Alexander E. CABALLERO


Since the early 2000s, we have been committed to making it easier for our Swiss customers to certify bows and instruments. We bring the experts to Lucerne, so you no longer need to travel abroad!

Alexander Caballero

Luthier, bowmaker, and passionate bow collector since the early career, introduced the Expertise Days in Lucerne back in 2000. His passion and talent took him to Cremona, to the most famous school in the world, where he learned the craft of violin making and bow making. An internship in Paris brought him in contact with Bernard Millant, Loic Le Canu, and J.F. Raffin, among the best bow makers in France, where he was able to deepen his knowledge and skills in the restoration and care of precious instruments and bows. Alexander has an extensive network with collectors, specialists, luthiers, bow makers, and experts from around the world. Alexander has continually broadened his horizons and refined his techniques. He is tireless in discovering and researching new instruments and bows, always seeking the perfect balance between tradition and innovation. Alexander is our specialist and advisor in the finest instruments and bows. Contact him if you plan to sell or buy, or just to know about the value of your collection.

Workshop Manager

Nicole Graswinckel, born and raised in Lucerne, carries an unusual name that comes from her Dutch father. By the age of 12, her career choice was clear: she wanted to become a violin maker. At 18, she emigrated to Cremona to attend the famous violin making school and learn her craft.

Since the late 1990s, she has been running a successful business in Lucerne with her life partner Alexander Caballero. In their beautiful studio in the heart of the city, she not only dedicates herself to the care and restoration of instruments but also to customer service. With great commitment and attention to detail, Nicole manages the business behind the scenes, ensuring smooth operations and a warm atmosphere.

Seize the opportunity


NEW since 2023

Eric BLOT and his Team

Eric Blot is a renowned French luthier and restorer who is considered one of the world’s leading experts on stringed instruments. He is known for his expertise and authentications of Italians stringed instruments from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries.

He was born in Paris in 1955. After he obtained his high school diploma (“Baccalauréat”) in France, he moved in 1974 to Cremona to attend the Violin Making School. Four years later, he returned to Paris where he learnt instrument restoration in several well violin makers’ workshops, while he was still making new instruments. In 1981, he established himself in Perugia (Italy) where he worked for several years, restoring instruments for local musicians as well as for musicians coming from sevral parts of Italy. Thanks to the experience gained in those years with numerous Italian instruments that he had the opportunity to see in his workshop, he elaborated the project of writing his first book, that was then published.

In 1996, he settled in Cremona. His passion for Italian violin making, especially from the 19th and early 20th centuries, led him to significant research work, resulting in the publication of the series "Liuteria Italiana" and several contributions to catalogs of violin-making exhibitions in Cremona and abroad. Additional publications on violin making are underway, currently focusing on Neapolitan violin making. This includes the upcoming release of the 5th volume of "Liuteria Italiana" and a volume about the Gagliano family with new information. He conducted conferences for violin maker associations in Italy, France, Switzerland, England, Sweden, Denmark, the USA, and Japan. Throughout his career, Eric restored important classical instruments owned by violin makers of all centuries and by Italian and foreign musicians. In addition to restoring and assessing Italian instruments, he built many new violins, violas, and cellos highly valued in the international market. One of his violins received an award for sound at the VSA Competition in 2000. Known for his meticulous work and dedication to preserving the history and heritage of string instruments, Eric is recognized worldwide. His expertise is highly appreciated by collectors, musicians, and institutions globally.

Jean-François RAFFIN

Jean-François Raffin officially retired as of the end of 2023 and will no longer be present at our expertise days after more than 20 years

The new generation is stepping in! Jean-François Raffin, arguably the most experienced bow expert and a good friend, is gradually slowing down. In 2011, J. F. Raffin founded the 'Cabinet d’Archetiers Experts Jean-Francois Raffin' and trained the two young bow makers, Sylvain Bigot and Yannick Le Canu, into true experts and his successors. Many years before the establishment of the joint expert team, the two bow makers had collaborated with Mr. Raffin. Undoubtedly, he has passed on his legacy, immense experience, and archive to the right individuals

We sincerely thank Jean-François for nearly 20 years of collaboration! We have learned a lot from him and shared countless enjoyable moments together

Jean-Jaques RAMPAL

In the late 1970s, Mr. Jean-Jaques Rampal received training as a violin maker. Subsequently, he joined Charles Beare's workshop in London to specialize in the restoration and expertise of antique instruments at the highest level. In 1998, he took over the management of Etienne Vatelot's workshop. Today, he is recognized as an internationally acclaimed expert, and numerous musicians and colleagues seek his expertise to benefit from his knowledge and obtain certificates of authenticity.

Jean-Jacques Rampal gives lectures in many parts of the world to promote violin making (Europe, Canada, Korea, Japan).

A competition for young musicians in the violin and cello categories bears his name.


We look forward to your visit!

Yannick LE-CANU

Yannick Le Canu - Recipient of Multiple Medals in International Competitions

Born in Massy, France, in 1976, Yannick Le Canu immersed himself in the world of violin and bow making from a young age. Spending significant time in his uncle's renowned workshop, Loïc Le Canu and Bernard Millant, he absorbed the enriching ambiance and had close encounters with prestigious instruments.

His interest in bow making, restoration, and expertise was ignited during his teenage years. Fortunate to have apprenticed in this esteemed bow making workshop, he received comprehensive training in all facets of this specialization and actively engaged in research projects.

In 1998, under the guidance of Eric Grandshamp, he successfully graduated. From 2000 to 2004, he honed his skills at the Arezzo workshop in Toulouse. Presently, he operates his own workshop in collaboration with luthier Juliette Desmarchelier in Lille.

Sylvain BIGOT

Embark on the remarkable journey of Sylvain Bigot, a renowned bow maker and internationally recognized expert.

Born in 1971, Sylvain initially completed his training at the International School of Violin in 1989. His journey took a turn when he discovered his passion for bow making. 

Leading to an apprenticeship under Jean-François Raffin, Sylvain established his own workshop in Lyon in 2002, gaining global recognition for his expertise in restoration.

In 2011, Sylvain was honored with the prestigious title "Un des Meilleurs Ouvrier de France," a testament to his exceptional craftsmanship.

Bigot serves as an expert at the Court of Appeals in Lyon.

Jonathan MAROLLE

Jonathan Marolle started playing the violin at the age of 5. In 1998, he entered the French Violin-Making School of Mirecourt where he trained until 2003.

He then started to work for the Maison Vatelot-Rampal in Paris in december 2004 as a violin restorer. Under the influence of Etienne Vatelot and Jean-Jacques Rampal, he soon decided to devote himself to expertise of instruments. He has become Jean-Jacques Rampal's associate in september 2017 and has been appointed Expert près la Cour d'Appel de Paris en novembre 2018.


Bows: Our Experts certify mainly Frech Bows from all epochs. They can also provide informations about some english Bowmakers as the Hill family etc. They do not make certificates of German Bows

Instruments: Italian and French instruments from every epoch, as well as instruments from the German, English and Central European schools.

A certificate of authenticity is a document that confirms the authenticity of a bow or instrument. As such, it is only relevant if it has been issued by internationally and state-recognized experts.

In order to insure an instrument or bow, the insurance company needs a certificate of authenticity. It is also essential to have such a certificate for buying or selling.

If you agree on issuing a certificate during the conversation with the experts, all the necessary data about the instrument or the bow will be recorded on site. This are technical informations such as: messurements, weight, description, etc. The Instrument or Bow is then photographed. Back in Paris, the experts evaluate all the data and create the certificate. The documents are then handed over to Lucerne Violins, where they take care of invoicing and delivery of the certificates.

Payment is made on site on the expert day or afterwards by invoice.

The prices are exclusively in euros.

Basically, the price is based on the value of the Instrument/Bow.


Cabinet d’Archetiers Experts

The certificates are issued on copy-proof paper. It contains a QR code for a quick view, an identification number, a relief stamp and the signatures of all three experts of the “Cabinet Jean-Francois Raffin Archetiers-Experts”.

Certificate of authenticity

For precios and rare Bows wer write a „Certificate of authenticity“. This certificate costs at least 450 €.

Letter – Certificate of authenticity (different from a real Certificate of Authenticity)

For bows below the value of approx. € 5,000, we will write a “Letter – Proof of Authenticity” (a certificate of authenticity). This document is created for simple bows such as

  • Authentic 20th century bows in brazil wood and nickel mounted
  • Simple bows of the 19th century schools made of exotic wood
  • Composite bows made from parts by different masters

This certificate costs at least € 200.

Exceptionally, a certificate of authenticity can also be issued for this type of bow, provided it is a rarity or the corresponding bow has special features.

Verbal assessment

Verbal assessments cost at least 80 €. This price depends on the effort and importance of the statement of the bow


An initial assessment is not binding. It is used to determine whether it is worthwhile to issue a certificate or an oral assessment.

  • All prices are non-binding.
  • We reserve the right to change prices.
  • The prices are not fixed and can vary. It depends a lot on the condition and the year of construction.
  • The prices are communicated before issuing any paper

Certificate of authenticity

The certificate of authenticity costs a maximum of 5% of the value of the instrument

This is a certificate containing detailed information such as dimensions, wood grain, varnish condition, era, etc. It is a document with photos (similar to a passport) that precisely describes and illustrates the corresponding instrument

This document costs at least 900 €.


A valuation can be issued either by the violin maker of your trust or by our workshop, in direct coordination with your insurance. This document is without photographs and is intended solely to confirm the value of the instrument for insurance purposes. It should not be confused with an authenticity certificate and is not intended for the trade or sale of the object.

As the value of the instrument may change over the years, it is not stated in the authenticity certificate but in a separate document. This document can be reissued periodically without the need to create a new authenticity certificate each time.

Verbal assessment

Verbal assessments cost a minimum of €80. This price depends on the effort and importance of the statement, and, of course, the instrument being assessed.


An initial assessment is not binding. It is used to determine whether it is worthwhile to issue a certificate or an oral assessment.

  • All prices are non-binding.
  • We reserve the right to change prices.
  • The prices are not fixed and can vary. It depends a lot on the condition and the year of construction.
  • The prices are communicated before issuing any paper

For more than 20 years, we have been organizing this highly popular event. It involves significant effort. However, our goal is to provide our customers and fellow luthiers the opportunity to certify their bows and instruments in Switzerland.

You save yourself the tedious customs procedure with the completion of export papers, instrument passports, and CITES. Additionally, you save the trip to Paris, the associated travel expenses, and reduce the risk associated with such a journey.

Our experts are arguably the most recognized experts worldwide, and they are here in Lucerne!

These experts possess the best and broadest knowledge and experience in certification, bar none! The decades of accumulated wisdom and expertise of these masters come at a price. Even their verbal insights draw from the vast knowledge held by these experts.

Most individuals who utilize this service understand this. Unfortunately, there are still some visitors who believe they can benefit from information and expertise provided by our experts without compensating for the service. With the assistance of these expert insights, they find it easier to sell their goods. However, they are unwilling to pay for the advantage they have gained through this expertise.

Instruments and bows can also be dropped off in advance at our workshop.
Instruments and bows can also be handed in to our Atelier in advance. It is also possible to hand in the instruments and bows in advance in our Workshop. A preview allows us to discuss the instruments/bows with the experts over the internet. On the Expertise Days you will then have the opportunity to meet the experts in person

Terms and Conditions

Registration for our event is binding. The demand is big. If you are unable to come despite registering, we would be grateful if you deregister so that the place can be released again.

By registering you are aware that this service is not free. After a brief assessment of your bow/instrument, you will discuss with the experts whether you would like information about the object, in what form, verbally or in writing, and how much this will cost. You are then still free to renounce

By agreeing to these terms and conditions, private individuals confirm that they are the rightful owners of the object to be assessed, ensuring that it has neither been stolen nor misappropriated. If you are bringing the object on behalf of another person or institution, we need to be informed in advance. Please bring all available documents with you, such as existing certificates, sales papers, e

We reserve the right to cancel appointments.

Image, audio, and video recordings are explicitly prohibited.

Expertise Days in Lucerne september 9-10 2024
October 2024

Appointment for the Expertise Days italien Instruments

Eric Blot

Appointment for the Expertise Days Instruments and Bows

Maison Vatelot-Rampal

Cabinet d’Archetiers Experts Jean-Francois Raffin

Expertise Days for Bows and Instruments: April 29-30, 2024.
October 2024

Order the new book about the Bazin family now and have it delivered to your home. Get it signed by the authors right here on-site. (Please allow sufficient time for delivery).

The editors of this wonderful work are:

  • J.F. Raffin
  • Y. Le Canu
  • S. Bigot
  • A. Bubroca
  • L. Mabru 

Maison Vatelot-Rampal for Italian, French, and general European instruments, and Cabinet d’Archetiers Experts Jean-Francois Raffin for French bows.
